HAPPY 30 ♥️

I am 30! 

I am grateful for everything in my past and present. I am at a stage in my life where I am at peace. I love my little family. I have my little princesses, who I adore with all my being! My partner, who is my back bone, "My sit-down babe, I got this." My mother, who I would say is my neck and who supports my head as I once was head of household! I am also happy for my extended family and friends that became family. I appreciate everyone close to me and around me. I do not think I will ever get tired of telling everyone how much I appreciate them.  

I am thankful for every lesson in my 20's but I am extremely excited for my thirty thirties!  

 I would describe myself or my journey in this world as GOLD! 

To be pure it has to go through so many steps, stages, and intense heat to become pure.

I am not wine yet! I think I will get there in my 40's. 


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